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Accessibility Statement

1. Commitment to Accessibility

At iVVi, we are committed to making our products and services accessible to all users. Accessibility is at the heart of our design and development process, ensuring that everyone, regardless of ability, can effectively use and interact with our software and websites.

2. Accessibility Measures

  • Internal Policies: We have established internal policies aimed at integrating accessibility into every stage of our product development. These policies guide our teams in designing, developing, and maintaining accessible digital experiences.
  • Goals and Responsibilities: Our accessibility goals are clearly defined, with specific responsibilities assigned to team members across the organization. These roles ensure that accessibility is a continuous priority.
  • Quality Assurance: We employ formal accessibility quality assurance methods, including testing protocols and tools, to evaluate and improve the accessibility of our products.

3. Conformance Status

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) define requirements for improving accessibility for people with disabilities, with three levels of conformance: Level A, Level AA, and Level AAA. iVVi’s products and services are partially conformant with WCAG 2.1 Level AA. This means that while we strive for full compliance, some aspects of our content may not fully meet these standards.

Additionally, although iVVi is not required to conform to Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (which applies to US federal agencies), we use it as guidance to enhance the accessibility of our products for all users.

4. Feedback Mechanism

We welcome and encourage your feedback on accessibility. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please contact us at [email protected]. We strive to respond to feedback within 24 hours.

5. Compatibility

iVVi products and services are designed to be compatible with a variety of assistive technologies. We conduct comprehensive testing to ensure compatibility with screen readers such as TalkBack, VoiceOver, and JAWS. Our web application is optimized for use with Chrome and Edge browsers.

6. Limitations and Alternatives

While we are committed to ensuring the accessibility of our products, we recognize that there are areas where we can improve. Here are some known limitations and the steps we are taking to address them:

  • Events: Page titles can sometimes be incomplete if a user leaves the Event title blank, leading to multiple 'Untitled Event' pages. We are exploring ways to automatically assign unique names to each Event.
  • Identical Button Labels: On the Events page, all Events have a 'Move Event' button without specifying which Event will be moved. The next tab after the Event title indicates the Event being moved. We are investigating solutions to make this clearer.
  • Page Titles: Some screens do not have descriptive titles, including the View Event, Re-Order Cards and Task Lists, Home and Record Event, and Account and Collections views. We are working on providing more descriptive titles for these pages.
  • Third-Party Applications: Some third-party applications integrated within iVVi are not fully optimized for accessibility. We are actively collaborating with our third-party providers to enhance the accessibility of their products.
  • Guided Tour and Transcription Features: These features are not fully keyboard accessible. Alternatives include an introduction video and onboarding articles. We are working on making these features more accessible.
  • Transcription Focus Mode: Our transcription service is accessible to screen readers, but NVDA users need to use Insert + Space to interact with the content in Focus Mode. We are looking for ways to simplify this interaction.

7. Assessment Approach

The accessibility of our products and services is evaluated through:

  • Self-Evaluation: Conducted by our in-house team using accessibility testing tools and protocols.
  • External Evaluation: We seek feedback from external accessibility experts to ensure a comprehensive assessment.
  • In-House Specialists: Our dedicated accessibility specialists work closely with our design and development teams to maintain and improve accessibility standards.

8. Ongoing Improvements

We are continually working to address known limitations and enhance the accessibility of our products. This includes updating our designs, working with third-party providers, and exploring new technologies to better serve our users.

9. Contact Information

For any accessibility-related queries or feedback, please contact us at [email protected]. We are here to help and ensure that our products meet your needs.